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Kawasaki Mule UTV owners

Website for Mule UTV owners and Louisiana ATV UTV Winn/Grant Parish ATV UTV Owners
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  • 03/21/2016

    4010 Mule surging

    Filed under: louisiana,mule — tmaster @ 12:00 pm

    Having problems with my 4010 mule surging.

    This is what I have finally found was causing it.

    Factory recommended cleaning and then changing throttle body which solved it for 1 week.

    The real problem appears to be the ethanol gas. We switched to non ethanol gas and after about a month the problem went away. Also ran some fuel injector cleaner through it.

    Looks like when buildup shows up on the injectors a bug in the computer doesn’t know what to do so it starts surging trying to solve the problem. A software update would fix the problem and perhaps changing to a 3rd party computer might also solve it.

    Right now this engine can not run on ethanol gas.

    If you are having the same problem you need to run the tank dry fill it up with non-ethanol gas and add the fuel injector cleaner you add for cars. You should see improvements right away and after 2 tanks the surging should go away.

    They really need a recall on this they need to change this software or they need to redesign the injectors and sensors to the ethanol gas doesn’t affect them.


    Forest Service Finalizes New Off-Road Vehicle Rules

    Filed under: louisiana,Ride Trips,Trails — tmaster @ 12:01 pm

    PINEVILLE The Kisatchie National Forest has finalized the decision to restrict motorized travel to designated routes. This decision eliminates cross-country travel by ATVs (four-wheelers, motorcycles, trucks, etc.). The decision finalizes a process that began several years ago, said Gretta Boley, Forest Supervisor of Kisatchie National Forest. “We have done our best to provide the needs of forest users while protecting our soil, water and vegetation resources. The decision has designated hundreds of miles of roads for motor vehicle travel and over 250 miles of trails for four-wheelers and motorcycle travel. The decision eliminates cross-country travel. Anyone leaving a designated road or trail and traveling cross-country by motor vehicle will be in violation of national forest regulations.



    looking for other Mule owners in Louisiana

    Filed under: louisiana,mule,Ride Trips — tmaster @ 1:04 am

    Looking for other Mule or UTV owners near Winn/Grant that want to ride.

    If you kknow of a place to ride please post here.


    UTVs in the Forrest

    Filed under: louisiana,mule,Ride Trips — tmaster @ 1:11 am

    The NFS is putting together another ride for utvs on November 15th on the Sandstone trail at Red Dirt. Everyone is invited. We will meet at 10 am at the Lotus Camp Trailhead. Bring you drinks and lunch…

    Be sure and mark your calender. We have a unique chance here to get some trails designated or open to utvs. Hopefully we can get a group of at least three “lay” people to rub elbows with the forestry people.

    The date for this ride has been changed from the 15th to the 28th and now the 29th. Still for 10 am at the Lotus camp. I’m hoping the weather will permit this to happen. I don’t want to lose any momentum we have on this. It sure would be great if the trail could be reopened in the spring for our rhinos…Ms Jackie and Jim are working hard for us on this. They just have to convince some nay sayers.

    See main Thread here for updates.


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