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Kawasaki Mule UTV owners

Website for Mule UTV owners and Louisiana ATV UTV Winn/Grant Parish ATV UTV Owners
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  • 03/21/2016

    4010 Mule surging

    Filed under: louisiana,mule — tmaster @ 12:00 pm

    Having problems with my 4010 mule surging.

    This is what I have finally found was causing it.

    Factory recommended cleaning and then changing throttle body which solved it for 1 week.

    The real problem appears to be the ethanol gas. We switched to non ethanol gas and after about a month the problem went away. Also ran some fuel injector cleaner through it.

    Looks like when buildup shows up on the injectors a bug in the computer doesn’t know what to do so it starts surging trying to solve the problem. A software update would fix the problem and perhaps changing to a 3rd party computer might also solve it.

    Right now this engine can not run on ethanol gas.

    If you are having the same problem you need to run the tank dry fill it up with non-ethanol gas and add the fuel injector cleaner you add for cars. You should see improvements right away and after 2 tanks the surging should go away.

    They really need a recall on this they need to change this software or they need to redesign the injectors and sensors to the ethanol gas doesn’t affect them.


    No power when not on battery charger

    Filed under: mule — tmaster @ 9:10 pm

    Was charging battery on my 3010 mule. When I start it and unhook the battery charger I lose all power and then it dies. It will run and has power when hoked to the charger.

    where do I start to look for the problem


    power problems

    Filed under: mule — tmaster @ 10:30 am

    After changing a battery out on my 3000 mule I had to place it on a battery charger. When I started the mule it ran fine until I took the cables from the charger off. At this point the engine lost power tried to die. If I place the charger back on, the engine will start running right and acts like it has plenty of power. Thought once it was running you could diconnect the charger.


    Kawasaki Mule Used For Beach Patrol in Kauai

    Filed under: mule — tmaster @ 3:56 pm

    Kauai Fire Department

    Lydgate Beach Park on the island of Kauai is a great location for snorkeling in the protected swim area, but dangerous waves break on the outer reefs and coral and rocks create a few hazards that require the beach to be under the watch of lifeguards from the Kauai Fire Department (KFD).

    With a few miles of beach to cover and only one tower, the lifeguards needed a way to monitor the entire beach. The drivable area of the beach was not conducive to even a small pickup, so they decided to try a 4×4 utility vehicle instead. The Kauai Fire Department selected a 2007 Kawasaki Mule 3010, and could not be happier with the results.

    The Mule carries their rescue surfboard, first aid equipment and other rescue supplies. The 4×4 Mule greatly extends the normal reach of the KFD lifeguards so they can easily cover the entire beach.

    The Mule features a four-stroke engine, selectable four-wheel drive, an automatic transmission, bench seat and tilting cargo bed. But the size and off-road capabilities are what makes the Mule invaluable.


    The continuous beach environment is brutal on vehicles. The Kauai Fire Department Mule was lined with “Lava-Liner” (similar to Line-X) to help prevent rust from taking over. The Mule is also washed down at the end of each day.

    See photos and full story here


    Mule Time Video

    Filed under: mule — tmaster @ 4:53 pm

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